FRFANZ Member Brigades were merged into the UFBA after the 2019 AGM
Join the UFBAEstablished in 2020, Tāngata Matatau was born out of the merger of the UFBA and FRFANZ in 2019
Join Tangata MatatauMerger Updates
FENZ Brigade Members
In 2017, UFBA and FRFANZ Associations voted for change – to merge the two organisations. In 2018, we engaged with members from both Associations across NZ and proposed how we may best go about the merger.
2019 saw UFBA members vote to formally adopt a new constitution that would allow FRFANZ member brigades to merge into the UFBA. The processes around the merger will continue throughout 2020.
17.2 Member Acceptance of FRFANZ Brigades
The Chief Executive will exercise on the Date of Adoption the power set out in Rule 4.2(c) and deem that FRFANZ members, who are “Associate Members” as that term is defined in the FRFANZ Articles of Constitution dated July 2014, be admitted as Brigade Members of the Association.
17.3 Life Member Acceptance of FRFANZ Life Members On the Date of Adoption the Board shall be deemed, pursuant to Rule 4.3(c), to have recognised FRFANZ members, who are “Life Members” as that term is defined in the FRFANZ Articles of Constitution dated July 2014, be recognised as Life Members of the Association.
The UFBA supports, represents and unites fire brigade personnel throughout New Zealand. All types of brigades are welcome as UFBA members – their membership consists of urban, rural, paid, volunteer, industry, airport, and defence brigades. Discover more about their values and history here.
Non-FENZ Brigade Members
Established in 2020, Tāngata Matatau was born out of the merger of the United Fire Brigades’ Association (UFBA) and Forest and Rural Fire Association NZ (FRFANZ) in 2019. It was established to provide a non-profit peak body for non-Fire and Emergency brigades and emergency sector-related parties. Tāngata Matatau seeks to unify the sector to come together, collaborate in areas of common interest and assist government agencies (and others) to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders.